Friday, May 22, 2020

French Expression Explained Par Contre, Against

Expression: Par contre   Pronunciation: [par co(n)tr] Meaning: on the other hand, whereas, but Literal translation: by against Register: normal Explanation The French expression par contre is used to contrast two statements: Cet article est fascinant. Par contre, la grammaire est à ©pouvantable.This article is fascinating. The grammar, on the other hand, is appalling.Si Clara est trà ¨s sympa, par contre son mari est agaà §ant.Clara is really nice, whereas her husband is annoying. Grammar French grammarians and dictionaries have argued about par contre for hundreds of years. All but purists now generally agree that par contre is acceptable when there is a clear contrast between two ideas and the second one is negative, as in the above examples. However, they take a lesser view of par contre when it introduces a second statement which supports, compensates for, or adds information to the first. Many French speakers use par contre in this way, but generally speaking, its better to reserve it for negative meanings, and instead use en revanche when the meaning is positive or neutral. Jai oublià © de faire mes devoirs. Par contre — En revanche, il y avait un supplà ©ant et il ne les a pas ramassà ©s.​I forgot to do my homework. But there was a substitute teacher and he didnt collect it When the two statements are not in opposition—that is, when youre really just in need of a filler or transition—something like mais is preferable. Tu ne dois pas venir avec nous. Par contre — Mais est-ce que tu sais oà ¹ sont mes clà ©s  ?You dont have to come with us. But do you know where my keys are? The Great Par Contre Debate French grammarians and dictionaries have argued about  par contre  for hundreds of years. It all started with Voltaires  Conseils à   un journaliste  (1737): La plupart des gens de lettres qui travaillent en Hollande, oà ¹ se fait le plus grand commerce de livres, sinfectent dune autre espà ¨ce de barbarie, qui vient du langage des marchands  ; ils commencent à   à ©crire  par contre, pour  au contraire. Voltaires criticism was embellished more than a century later in the  Dictionnaire de la langue franà §aise, better known as  Littrà ©Ã‚  (1863-1872), setting the stage for the debate that continues even today: Par contre  est une locution dont plusieurs se servent, pour dire  en compensation,  en revanche  :  Si les artisans sont ordinairement pauvres, par contre ils se portent bien  ;  Si le vin est cher cette annà ©e, par contre il est bon. Cette locution, qui a à ©tà © tout particulià ¨rement critiquà ©e par Voltaire et qui paraà ®t provenir du langage commercial, peut se justifier grammaticalement, puisque la langue franà §aise admet, en certains cas, de doubles prà ©positions,  de contre,  daprà ¨s, etc. mais elle ne se justifie guà ¨re logiquement,  par contre  signifiant bien plutà ´t  contrairement  que  en compensation, et devant provenir de quelque ellipse commerciale (par contre  ayant à ©tà © dit pour  par contre-envoi)  ; en tout cas, il convient de suivre lavis de Voltaire et de ne transporter cette locution hors du langage commercial dans aucun style. In  Attendu que...  (1943), Andrà © Gide offered perhaps the first rejoinder: Je sais bien que Voltaire et  Littrà ©Ã‚  proscrivent cette locution; mais  «Ã‚  en revanche  Ã‚ » et  «Ã‚  en compensation  Ã‚ », formules de remplacement que  Littrà ©Ã‚  propose, ne me paraissent pas toujours convenables [†¦] Trouveriez-vous dà ©cent quune femme vous dise  :  «Ã‚  Oui, mon frà ¨re et mon mari sont revenus saufs de la guerre; en revanche jy ai perdu mes deux fils  Ã‚ »Ã‚  ? ou  «Ã‚  la moisson na pas à ©tà © mauvaise, mais en compensation toutes les pommes de terre ont pourri  Ã‚ »Ã‚  ?  «Ã‚  Par contre  Ã‚ » mest nà ©cessaire et, me pardonne  Littrà ©, je my tiens. Albert Doppagnes  Trois aspects du franà §ais contemporain  (1966) is equally blunt: le succà ¨s quont rà ©servà © à  Ã‚  par contre  la plupart des à ©crivains du XXe sià ¨cle, le fait quil ne soit pas toujours remplaà §able par les locutions par lesquelles on propose de le remplacer, là ©gitiment tout à   fait lutilisation de cette locution. Meanwhile,  par contre  had been included as a business term in the Acadà ©mie franà §aises 1835 and 1878 editions, then excluded in 1932, only to be re-added in 1988 along with a  lukewarm comment: Condamnà ©e par  Littrà ©Ã‚  daprà ¨s une remarque de Voltaire, la locution adverbiale  Par contre  a à ©tà © utilisà ©e par dexcellents auteurs franà §ais, de Stendhal à   Montherlant, en passant par Anatole France, Henri de Rà ©gnier, Andrà © Gide, Marcel Proust, Jean Giraudoux, Georges Duhamel, Georges Bernanos, Paul Morand,  Antoine de Saint-Exupà ©ry, etc. Elle ne peut donc à ªtre considà ©rà ©e comme fautive, mais lusage sest à ©tabli de la dà ©conseiller, chaque fois que lemploi dun autre adverbe est possible. Ce nest pas toujours le cas [comme] Gide remarquait [...] Le Bon Usage  (13e à ©dition, 2004) is more enthusiastic: Par contre, qui nest pas rà ©cent [...], est entrà © dans lusage gà ©nà ©ral, mà ªme le plus exigeant, au cours du XIXe s., malgrà © la rà ©sistance des puristes. [...] Nous pourrions citer plus dune centaine dauteurs, notamment environ quarante membres de lAcad. fr. [...] Les puristes recommendant duser den compensation  ou den revanche, lesquels ne conviennent pas toujours, comme Gide le fait remarquer [...] And  Le Grand Robert  (CD-ROM v2.0, 2005) agrees: Par contre  a à ©tà © condamnà © par certains pà ©dagogues puristes; cependant il nest pas toujours remplaà §able. Il introduit un avantage ou un inconvà ©nient, alors que  en compensation  et  en revanche  nintroduisent quun avantage. Si on peut les employer dans la phrase  «Ã‚  Sil na pas de cÅ“ur, par contre il est intelligent  Ã‚ »,  il est  impossible de les substituer à  Ã‚  par contre  dans celle-ci  :  «Ã‚  Sil est intelligent, par contre il na pas de cÅ“ur  Ã‚ ».  Mais  ninsiste pas assez sur lopposition.   Au contraire  marque une opposition trop prà ©cise. Purists may continue to disagree, but in my opinion, Hanse-Blampains  Nouveau dictionnaire des difficultà ©s du franà §ais moderne  (2005) offers the best analysis and the final word on the subject: Par contre, qui exprime une opposition de faà §on plus nuancà ©e que  mais, est entrà © depuis trà ¨s longtemps dans le meilleur usage, malgrà © Voltaire et les puristes, et est dailleurs utile et mà ªme parfois nà ©cessaire. On le dà ©finit mal en le donnant comme synonyme de  «en compensation, en revanche », qui expriment aussi une opposition.  En compensation, comme  en contrepartie, doit introduire un avantage.  En revanche  doit aussi logiquement avoir toujours ce sens, lià © à   celui de  revanche; mais on le substitue parfois à  Ã‚  par contre, quon nose employer:  Il joue fort bien du violon; en revanche cest un pià ¨tre chef dorchestre  (GLLF). Il faudrait dire  par contre, qui est plus neutre et (cest capital) introduit un avantage ou un inconvà ©nient opposà © à   ce qui prà ©cà ¨de:  Il est un peu paresseux,  par contre  il est honnà ªte  ou  Il est assurà ©ment honnà ªte,  par contre  il est trop naà ¯f. Lorsque  par contre  introduit là ©noncà © dune perte, dun inconvà ©nient, il ne peut à ªtre remplacà © par  en compensation  et il ne devrait pas là ªtre par  en revanche.  Andrà © Gide la fort bien montrà ©, il y a longtemps dà ©jà   [...]

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Violent Video Games - 857 Words

Should Violent Video Games be Banned? â€Å"Learning is a deep human need, like mating and eating, and like all such needs it is meant to be deeply pleasurable to human beings.† ― James Paul Gee, Why Video Games Are Good for Your Soul: Pleasure and Learning. Some people have controversial argument that violent video games should be banned, claiming about the content of video games can change the behavior and attitudes of the players. Since the early 2000s, advocates of video games have emphasized their use as an expressive medium, arguing for their protection under the laws governing freedom of speech and also as an educational tool. Violent video games allow players to divert their aggression into the virtual world instead of the real one.†¦show more content†¦Some people want to play video games which causes many negative side effects on children, but video games can also be good for developing cognitive, physical, and many more hidden skills. Furthermore, they can also be cheaper than television . Although there are the negative side effects of video games, I have found evidence of many positive effects games have on children. Video games are looked down upon by parents as time waster, and worse, some education experts think that these games corrupt the brain. Violent video games are readily blamed by the media and some experts as the reason why some youth become violent or commit extreme anti-social behavior. However, many scientists and psychologists find that video games can actually have many benefits, the main one being making kids smart. Video games may actually teach kids high-level thinking skill that they will need in the future. Video games help young people to understand and learn to control their emotions. When they faced with a problem and disappointed, they often do not know how to react. The society puts a heavy weight of expectations on teens and often they are not able to fulfill the hopes of their parents and teachers. It leads to an array of mixed emotions and feeling that children do not know how to deal with. When playing video games that trigger the outburst of strong emotions, children learn to recognize theirShow MoreRelatedViolent Games And Violent Video Games1122 Words   |  5 PagesAs video game images become increasingly more realistic and graphic. Therefore, is there any link between the violence depicted in those games and violence in real life? Students are the main group people who played violent video games very often. Also, losing a game causes many people to have a negative impact. Last, the attitudes on violent game and antisocial. Games are everywhere around us, such as cellphone s, televisions, or computers, but violent games are the most popular type of game. TheRead MoreVideo Game : Violent Video Games927 Words   |  4 PagesThe video game industry possible causing behavioral problems for people of all ages. Video game violence isn’t breaking news for years people have played games with murder and sexual innuendos. People ask why violent video games are so attractive, maybe it’s a way to escape from real life or even therapeutic. History shows us that human being like violence, in roman time gladiators killed people and animals for sport with huge number of people as an audience. Today the video game industry has foundRead MoreVideo Games and Violent Video Games Effect1225 Words   |  5 Pages A video game is â€Å"an electronic game in which players control images on a television or computer screen† (Merriam-Webster). Video games have been entertaining and challenging gamers since the Game Boy to modern console games. Despite the simplicity of the definition of video games, a video game, especially ones containing violence can have a large effect on the gamer. Because of the realism and advancements in the video game industry, video games can influence the player, and can make the gamerRead MoreVideo Game Violence : Violent Video Games1626 Words   |  7 PagesDavis English III 27 March 2015 Video Game Violence Violent video games have been being created since the first console. Yet only recently have we been blaming them for aggression in the player. We as humans have a tendency to blame our violent behavior on other things rather thin ourselves. Now aggression is being defined in many ways in this situation but mainly people point to the anger that’s brought out in the real world after the game or maybe it’s the gamers’ tendency to haveRead MoreViolent Video Games Are Violent1677 Words   |  7 Pages2016 Violent Video Games Effect The future of entertainment revolves around technology which perhaps has caused video games to become more and more realistic over time. Although they often are entertaining, the contents have become more violent and disturbing as computing technology has become much more advanced. These days, the popularity of violent video games has caused an increase in controversy. Many parents and researchers say the video games are now becoming too violent. The violent videoRead MoreViolent Video Games 886 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican child spends on video games per week is 8 hours? That’s a more than a whole school day! Many kids today are spending more and more time on video games. Not only is it damaging to the brain and body, but it also can cause insanity and dementia. Many of the mass murderers of the past have been found to play violent video games. Teens should not be permitted to play violent video games to ensure that they will not become aggressive. The foundation of the first video games was the CRT. The cathodeRead MoreVideo Game And Violent Video Games1574 Words   |  7 PagesAlong with the rapid development of the internet in recent years, game and violence game have become companions of young people. We could not deny the fact that video game already has strong attraction for many people. Especially in today’s society, when work pressure is growing, gaming is an effective solution to relieve tension, dispel feeling of fatigue, anxiety. Playing the normal video game, which it not include any violence scenes, plus regulatory reasonable playing time can help players relaxedRead MoreRegulation of Violent Video Games2128 Words   |  8 PagesIssue: Video games are the primary source of entertainment for children nowadays. Be it in form of Wii Games, Nintendo or Xbox; children nowadays seems to be practically smitten with video games. It was also shown as evidence in some cases that the influence of such games is so huge that few children start speaking and acting like characters in the video games. Many video games, dating back to 1976’s Death Race, contain some or other aspect of violence, such as killing the bad person, driving dangerousRead MoreVideo Game Violence And Violent Video Games2382 Words   |  10 PagesAbstract The issue of video game violence seems to be a hot topic right now after several shootings have occurred and made a connection to the shooters being video gamers. In looking at past research it is apparent that there seems to large amounts of research that contradict one work to another. Although I would have been interested in conducting a poll of the publics opinion regarding the use of violent video games and their connection to mass shootings I was not able to conduct the researchRead MoreVideo Games And Violent Violence1345 Words   |  6 PagesOn television, iPads, cell phones, and even specially made devices for babies and children. Video games are interwoven with our daily lives. For many, it is just an innocent way to relax or enjoy themselves. For others, it has become an addiction in which they cannot escape. Not all video games are violent, but what about those that are? Does society have an obligation to monitor every type of video game children and adults play simply because they believe it may lead to acts of violence? Psychologists

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Do Gender Role Stereotypes exist in children(TM)s fairy tale stories Free Essays

I am currently working on a piece of sociological coursework which requires me to explore the relationship between children’s fairy tale stories and gendered roles. From birth biological differences exist between males and females. Sociologists refer to this as sex differences. We will write a custom essay sample on Do Gender Role Stereotypes exist in children(TM)s fairy tale stories? or any similar topic only for you Order Now As we grow older these differences between males and females involve more than biology; they are gendered. Gendered roles are learned. They guide us to behave and perform in ways which fulfill our gender role stereotype. This is achieved via the process of socialisation. When talking in relation to the nature vs. nurture debate, sociologists believe that our gender roles are nurtured by our parents, societal expectations and media influences. The main aim of my coursework is to find out if gender role stereotypes exist in children’s fairy tale stories. I aim to do this by looking at the ways in which fairytale images transform into guided behaviours. My additional aims in which I will investigate include: * Being able to find out what massages fairytale stories send to youngsters from a sociological point of view. I have decided to investigate gender role socialisation because I am extremely interested in the role played by society in the development of this. Furthermore, I would like to find out what makes these stereotypes so common and how fairy tale stories portray gender roles in relation to the images it presents to young children. Sociological research also concerns the roots of gender role within society. Therefore, it would make sense to see how these sociologists have expressed their views on this specific topic. For example, Teya Cherland is a sociologist who researched the topic of gender role stereotyping in fairytale stories and, she made it clear that the insecurities evolving around many young children is growing as they watch and read more and more fairytales. Sociologists believe that we aren’t born to be boys and girls; we learn our gender roles as we grow older. This is a very sentimental point because in my coursework I want to explore gender role stereotyping from a Nature vs. Nurture perspective. My Secondary Sources I have decided to focus on some secondary sources in order to find out what other sociologists think about my chosen topic. The following sources will help me to gather some crucial information to help me meet my overall aim which is to find out if gender role stereotypes exist in children’s fairytale stories. I also want to understand this topic from a sociological point of view and therefore, I will also be using these sources to find out if what I have discovered pairs up to other sociologist’s discoveries. My first results came from an article called Ecclectical. The article was written by a sociologist called Teya Cherland and was publicised in April 2006. In it, Teya explained that young boys and girls hide themselves away from reality because fairytales make them feel insecure of the true beauty that exists within them. Other than this, she outlined that boys and girls find it hard to distinguish reality from the so-called â€Å"dream world† that they visualise from watching T.V. She said, â€Å"Children’s literature plays a key role in shaping a child’s perception of those around her/him and the world they live in.† She then carried on saying â€Å"it is vital to understand how they view real life† This made it clear, her belief was that fairytale stories deliver wrong messages to young kids and make them feel a certain way which can build on their insecurities. This links in with my aim because in my coursework I want to involve some sociological processes and this article brings up the issue of the Nature vs. Nurture debate and helps me to find a way how to link young children’s influences into my query. My second source came from an article titled â€Å"Sex Roles†. This particular article was written by Angela M. Gooden and was publicised In July 2001. In the article it was outlined that children’s books are served as a socializing tool that passed to the next generation. To explain, in her article she said the following, â€Å"Children’s books have the potential of altering perceptions and possibly helping to change lives† This relates back to my investigation because the article explains the fact that children are influenced by societies teachings and, one of my smaller aims are to be able to find out if children are influenced by the images they see and the things they hear when watching fairytales. My third and last source came from a text called Gender identities. This text was written by a sociologist named Ruth and the year of its publication was 2006(April 21st) Ruth investigated on different sociologists own thoughts about gender role and found out that according to the 1990s, boys and girls are directed to different subjects from an early age. She found that from some people stick to the idea that, Teachers pay more attention to boys than girl in the classroom and that the term â€Å"girl power† Ignores continuing structures of inequality. Much of her information supported the idea that the way in which boys and girls are brought up affects they way they feel about â€Å"gender role stereotyping† when their older. The following quote was mentioned in the article. â€Å"Murdock (1949) and Parsons (1955), who were functionalists, both thought that women and men had inbuilt differences that made women more suitable to be carers and men to be breadwinners.† This links in with my investigation because in order to find out whether gender role stereotypes exist in children’s fairytale stories, I need to understand the true meaning of the term â€Å"gender role† and how society portrays it which is provided for me in this source. Overall, all of my chosen sources have enhanced my understanding on my chosen ton topic. I am now able to use this information to help me to answer and evaluate my essay title. How to cite Do Gender Role Stereotypes exist in children(TM)s fairy tale stories?, Papers